Who are we, what are we?

If one is a racist, one is not “One”. Rather, fragmented. If one is a bigot, one is not “One.” Rather, splintered, incomplete. And so on with the discriminations that persist betraying an inner incompleteness that is desperate for a wholeness it can never become.

If one thinks the intelligible, intangible, non-material is subordinate to the tangible, sensible and material. Or that the Higher is directed by its lower in status of Being. Then one is not “thinking” at all.

It is like saying half-being begets fullness of Being. Can a shadow cast on the ground become conscious of itself and then have the audacity to claim that it gives “form” to the Form that created it? No.

There is no scared law, no secret philosophy from antiquity, that dictates Human Beings of The World should remain perpetually innerly divided.

Because the dogma of exclusive materialism overwhelmingly dominates our World there is no room for a non-material idea to help Humanity re-think and ultimately transcend the divisions caused by the mantra that there is only “matter.” That everything is determined by “matter”. Therefore, to some it is no great leap (let us be clear a perverse leap) if the idea of biological hereditary exclusivity and superiority parades shamelessly in front us. It is even given a seat at the Great Table of Ideas as though it had equal validity with all else.

With each day we continue to lose touch with our Soul, our non-material, intangible, immaterial companion. Soon the Discourse on Soul, even its faint contour, will recede from our collective consciousness and there then will be what? I dread to think. Before we ask of God we must ask of ourselves, who are we, what are we and then climb from lower to Higher. From Body to Soul and Higher. As my late father wrote in his book Alone to Alone, First Soul, Then God.

By Musa Askari

BEING to non-being: by Musa Askari

It wasn’t the Economy,
It was Sovereignty,
It wasn’t Sovereignty,
It was Power,
Yes, it was Power.

The hypnosis of Power,
Drawing all to its altar bewitched by Power.
Bewitched by a self-conscious sense of good,
A misplaced sense of good.

It is Power, concentrated,
Not in number of people, many believe,
Concentrated as the very idea of Power.
To hold it and have it embrace you.

To be near it and bathe in its aura.
To worship Power, the abomination,
To dedicate one’s life to it,
All while emptying oneself from within.

Moving from Being to non-being.
From Human Being to half being.
When the journey should have been from,
Human Being to Soul Being,
On the coattails of wisdom of Plotinus who reminds;

This is not a journey for the feet; the feet bring us only from land to land; nor need you think of coach or ship to carry you away; all this order of things you must set aside and refuse to see; you must close the eyes and call instead upon another vision which is to be waked within you, a vision, the birthright of all, which few turn to see.”
