Dialogue Works Conversation with Jennie Formby

Jennie Formby is a lifelong Trade Unionist and Former General Secretary of the UK Labour Party who served with Former Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. The importance of Dialogue and what it means in a Union and Socialist Movement. What is The Movement? Journey as a Socialist. Working with and witnessing the Humanity of Jeremy Corbyn. Democracy Review. Anti-Racism. Community Organising and more. Thank you Jennie for taking part in this Dialogue.

Musa Askari

Dialogue Works Conversation with Laura Daly

Laura Daly is an Activist for Social Justice, a Socialist, and a Feminist. Co-Founder of Socialist Think Tank (SST), a Left Media Outlet Youtube Channel. Laura is a founding member of the Women’s Banner Group and also CLP Secretary for Sedgefield Labour Party. We dialogue on the meaning of Dialogue, how lockdown has altered activism and the opportunities it has created online. Spiritual outlook, religious influences, and how socialism can be an expression for a kind of secular spirituality. Women’s Rights, the challenges of being a woman in a socialist movement, concluding with a powerful reading of prose by Laura.

Musa Askari

Walking The Path – Musa Askari Dialogue with Chris Ramsbottom

Musa Askari Dialogue podcast with Chris Ramsbottom who runs The Amethyst Centre in Coventry, which is a complementary therapy and training centre. Part of the work of the centre concerns the spiritual side of life, and Chris runs a spiritual development group at the Centre The “Walking the Path” podcast grew out of the spiritual development side, in wondering how to maintain that work during a time of lockdown. (Listen to the podcast)

Chris writes, “Musa tells us of the influence of his father, a Sufi Muslim but also an interfaith leader, and also about the way his spirituality expresses itself in his own life and beliefs. His website, Spiritual Humanism, is the place that Musa has opened for discussion on the intersection between spirituality and humanism”

Thank you to Chris for inviting Musa to Dialogue.

Podcast available via web https://anchor.fm/walkingthepathwithchris

Or via Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/0alV4DwM41KN2Yoz0zxz56