Dialogue Works Conversation with Andrew Feinstein

Andrew Feinstein is a former South African MP who served in the Government of the late President Nelson Mandela. He is an Author and Peace Campaigner. We dialogue on matters relating to the spiritual dimension of anti-racism. The spirituality and humanity of President Mandela. The inhumanity of war. The inner journey as a Humanist and the quest for Peace and Justice.

Musa Askari

Dialogue Works Conversation with Andy McDonald

Andy McDonald is a Labour Party Member of the UK Parliament for the Constituency of Middlesbrough. He is a Shadow Secretary of State for Employment Rights and formerly Shadow Secretary of State for Transport.

During the Dialogue we cover topics such as the importance of Dialogue, Right to Protest as one of the cornerstones of Democracy, Toxicity of Social Media & Spirituality. He ends the Dialogue with a powerful quote from Maya Angelou.

Musa Askari

Dialogue Works Conversation with Matthew Storey

Thank you to Councillor Matt Storey to accept my invitation for a Dialogue Works Conversation. We cover topics from the changing work of being a Local Councillor through the Pandemic, how Dialogue is crucial to Community Engagement, Black Lives Matter and the awakening that has sparked in Public Consciousness. The Spiritual nature of Public Service. Matthew ends the Dialogue with a very powerful quote from Bobby Kennedy. On the coattails of what ifs and what could have been.

Musa Askari